We rely on business information all the time. This can be in the simplest format of a trading name, a telephone number and these days, a web address and email details. With so much happening in the world of business that is not customer facing, then folk are not always lo9oking for a physical address. Howeer, this is one piece of information that is essential when registering the company – there must be a formal company trading name and a physical address entered. Some other business information could include at the bottom of their web page items such as their opening times if visitors are welcomed; VAT number for trading legally over a certain amount. In the sections on the ‘about us’ page or paragraphs would come a basic history of the company, how it came about and who the principles were at the start, if different from now. Other items are important to customers – they may look to check the company’s diversity stance and there may well be an anti modern slavery resolution shown.
Business Information Pages Contain Much To Consider